from TUScany and its Cultivations new Anti-VIral and Antibacterial substances
Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020, Azione 1.1.5 Sub. A1
Bando n.1 – Progetti strategici di ricerca e sviluppo
Project co-financed from Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020, action 1.1.5 Sub. A1
The objective of the TUSCAVIA project concerns the production of active ingredients obtained from raw materials of plant origin, present in the Tuscan region, which can have an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral function, to be used in many sectors.
The project will study and develop extraction processes of bioactive compounds, with the help of predictive models in silico, for their alternative production to the traditional chemical synthesis processes known today.
The project will lead to the creation of an innovative pilot plant for intelligent, versatile and dynamic extraction consistent with the Industry 4.0 strategy and to the obtaining of extracts and active ingredients that will be tested in numerous application areas, and for which many chemical-physical, nutritional and therapeutic properties will be evaluated, thanks to the collaboration between different types of companies and research centers.
The TUSCAVIA project will also be managed through an innovative digital platform 4.0 created and validated within the project, with the aim of overseeing the correctness of the approach given to R&D, the contractual formalization of collaboration relationships and the patent enhancement of all the project results obtained.
· ADDì
· Valeri Gino
· UNIPI - Farmacia
· UNIPI – Ricerca traslazionale e nuove tecnologie in medicina e chirurgia